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Weekend Warriors....We Have Your Back!

Posted: April 14, 2017
By: Dr. Jill Konosky

The weather is getting warmer, flowers are starting to appear with their vibrant colors, birds are chirping, and it's that time of year when so many people become overzealous and do way too much on the weekends.  From throwing a baseball with your children, starting a new exercise routine, or spending endless hours outdoors gardening.  This is what we call Weekend Warrior syndrome.  You wake up sore, stiff, and unable to move.  Sound Familiar?


This occurs so very often during nice weather because we all have so much to do and we all enjoy the warm changes in the weather and air, so we just need to be outside being active.  With this increased activity, people experience increased pain, soreness, stiffness, muscle strain, and neck and low back issues that resurface.


So when this happens, what is one to do?  How do you start to feel better?  Has anyone suggested chiropractic to you?  If not, then they should have!  With all of this increased activity, your spine may be subluxated (misaligned) and compromising the nerves that interact with your brain, which inevitably slows down the healing process.  Through gentle chiropractic adjustments, we are able to align the spine so that the signals being relayed through the brain to the body can function more optimally, that in turn will help the body heal and adapt to these new stressors from this past weekends activities.


So, the next time you go outside and realize the next day that you did too much, be sure to get in contact with your chiropractor, because we can help!

Sneezing, Itchy Eyes, Runny Nose...Thinking Outside the Medicine Box for Relief

Posted: April 11, 2017
By: Dr. Jill Konosky

       Spring is here!  It is a gorgeous time of the year when the snow has finally melted, flowers are blooming, and kids can't wait to play outside after school.  Unfortunately, many of us associate spring with one dreaded thing that bog us down, make us feel groggy, and leave us desiring relief of our symptoms.  Allergies. 


            Allergies are our immune system overreacting to an allergen.  Why is it that two different people can be living in the same house, breathing the same air, drinking the same water, and eating the same food, yet only one of them suffers from allergies?  To answer that, let's first examine how our immune system works.  The job of the immune system is to keep you healthy by recognizing and eliminating bacteria, viruses, dust, pollen, and other microscopic debris from the body.  How well your immune system works depends on your nervous system, endocrine system, genetics, diet and even emotions.  When the immune system overreacts to a particular allergen, it creates histamines, which symptomatically present as runny noses and eyes, redness, irritation, and stuffy sinuses. 


            There is no cure for allergies.  Historically, the orthodox medical profession has done a decent job trying to control the symptoms, which is not the same as curing the cause.  Main drug of choice being anti-histamines which dry up the mucous membranes and help to control the symptoms, however can cause drowsiness, dizziness, nausea, restlessness and moodiness in children, blurred vision and confusion among other less common side effects.  Many allergy sufferers are constantly looking for new ways in lieu, or in addition to their current medical treatment for allergies.


            Chiropractic care has been utilized by thousands of Americans with allergies who often reported improvement in symptoms with regular care.  Just like mainstream medicine, chiropractic is not a cure for allergies.  Chiropractors locate, analyze and correct misalignments of the spine and reduce irritation to the nervous system.  This in turn allows the nervous system to communicate better with the immune system and in many cases reduces allergy symptoms and improves pulmonary function.  Speak with your chiropractor about how chiropractic adjustment can improve your quality of life!