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No Pain No Gain????

Posted: January 30, 2019
By: Dr. Jill Konosky

Healthy Means no pain right?  Or does it.......?

Ever notice how when you stub your little toe, a little tear forms in your eye?


Truth. We are aware of less than 3% of what’s going on in our bodies. That means what we can feel through tickle, touch, hot/cold, numbness, tingling, pain, etc. is less than 3% of everything happening in our body. Unfortunately, most people rely on that 3% (symptoms) to tell them if they are healthy or not.

Can you feel your liver processing fat molecules? NO!! When you eat a donut, do you know how much insulin to secrete to store the sugar in your body? NO!!!


There are millions of processes occurring in the body every second. If these processes are not working correctly, over time, disease will manifest. If we wait for a disease to manifest and try to deal with it at that point, it is invariably much more costly and difficult. The other option is to assure that our life energy is communicating with all the parts of the body, thus continuing to constantly create our bodies in a healthy manner. It is up to you to choose how you take care of yourself. Chiropractic is the most natural way to let that happen.


Relying on pain to tell you when there is a problem is not a healthy way to live. Heart disease, cancer, diabetes and arthritis have usually been manifesting as poor physiology in the body for 10 to 25 years before they become apparent as physical disease.


This is why Chiropractic adjustments are so important.  They restore the communication between the body and brain since most times those misalignments will go unnoticed for days if not years.


Health is all about proper function; 100% communication between the brain and the rest of the body; 100% physical, mental and emotional well-being.

Health is not merely “feeling good”!

Walking in a Winter Wonderland

Posted: January 11, 2019
By: Dr. Jill Konosky

Snow Flurries, brisk mornings, seeing your breath, and enjoying all the fun winter activities associated with the winter months ahead are things that we look forward to as we wind down the winter months.  It is a time where we can sit back, and watch mother nature unfold her true beauty either from home with a warm cup of tea and a blanket or from the tippy top slopes of the mountains.  But there are some things that can prevent us from truly enjoying these magical wonders.

As the snow falls most of us will still be needing to get to our workplace, get our children to practices, and carry on life’s daily activities.  It is also a time when many people suffer injury from shoveling and falls.  With old man winter, there can come with it some heavy snow.  Snow that can cripple your ability to move the next day and even be the cause of cardiac arrest.  Keeping this in mind, always remember to lift the snow using your legs while shoveling, NOT your back.  Be sure to wear your proper cold weather attire so that you can withstand the elements, and last but certainly not least get in to see your chiropractor.

With all the extra bending and movements, it is key to remind yourself that a properly functioning nervous system will keep you moving and functioning at your best.  So be sure to schedule your regular adjustments to remove any subluxations (where your spinal bones are shifted and placing pressure of the nerves near them) from your spine.