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Is Your Wallet Costing You Money?

Posted: October 9, 2019
By: Dr. Jill Konosky


If you a happen to be a people watcher, take a few minutes out of your day to look around at all the people (mostly men) who carry their wallet in their back pocket.  If you happen to be standing behind them at the checkout counter, you may even notice that their wallet is about 3 inches thick with cards, money, receipts, and an array of useless papers trapped waiting for their untimely demise into the trash can during the next “clean out”.

In speaking with men that come into the office, we note that for many it has become routine to carry their wallet in their back pocket and usually it always remains on one side.  Although it is the normal home for that wallet, what if I told you that it can be harming your health and inadvertently costing you money?

That is absolutely what is happening when a wallet is repetitiously being placed in the same back pocket for weeks, months years.  When there is an unbalanced distribution of weight on one side of the body, it can throw off the entire biomechanics of your walk, your joints, your posture, and your overall health.  Take the test of placing the wallet in the opposite pocket and walk around.  Trying sitting.  You will quickly notice how abnormal it feels to be on the other side.  This abnormal feeling is essentially a subluxation in your lower back and pelvis which has shifted your spine out of alignment.  If gone unchanged it can eventually cause pain in the lower back and pelvis that will end up costing you time and money to be corrected.  At the very least a person who places the wallet habitually in their back pocket should at the very least remove it while sitting and driving, but ultimately the best case would to be to have it in the front pocket all the time.

So, the next time you think about placing that wallet in your back pocket, think again!  It may be the root cause of your wallet getting thinner by having to pay for its effects that it caused. 

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