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The Spooky Facts About Subluxation

Posted: October 2, 2017
By: Dr. Jill Konosky

Ghosts, monsters under the bed, gremlins, and one eyed purple people eaters may only exist through legendary folklore, but there is something quite scary that can be affecting you and you might not even know it exists.


What if I told you there was a small, tiny in fact monster in your body that can be preventing you from feeling and working at your optimal level?  That this tiny little gremlin may be robbing you daily of your fullest potential or what if I said this tiny little creature reeks havoc on your body every day that it hangs out without getting its eviction notice?   Would you be more inclined to send it packing if you new that it could be affecting your overall well being?


Truth be told,  this tiny monster is called a subluxation.  A subluxation is a misalignment of the spinal bones that puts pressure on your nerve roots which ultimately decreases the function of the nervous signals being relayed from the brain to the body and the body back to the brain.  These disruptions can decrease the delicate balance of every cell, organ, tissue, and body part, which in turn can create dis-ease throughout your body.


Through regular chiropractic care from your family wellness chiropractor, we can play a vital role in removing these subluxations so that you can be the best version of yourself, the healthiest version of yourself, and the person living life at its fullest potential.  This can be achieved all by removing subluxation from your spine.


So the next time your body is facing these tiresome ghouls known as subluxation.....get yourself checked and be sure to have a spooktacular day.

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