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Thawing Out Your Body For Spring

Posted: March 11, 2020
By: Dr. Jill Konosky

In the midst of the winter weather, one thing is almost certain for the majority of people I know.  We all have become a little bit settled into our winter bodies.  We haven’t gotten outside as much, which in turn has slowed us down almost into hibernation mode.  It is easy to succumb to the feelings of warmth which will encompass us nicely sitting with our warmest pajamas and our fuzziest blanket all while sipping on our favorite tea.  But, we must try to keep a bird’s eye view that spring is always just a few months away.  In doing so we can set ourselves up for the most productive and healthy start to the season.


Besides proper nutrition and exercises we must also look to the spine to maintain our health.  By ensuring that our nerves are free and clear of interference (subluxation), we can focus our efforts on maintaining a healthy body that is ready to go on a moment’s notice.  It will be far better at adapting to internal and external stressors and will also be functioning at a much higher level.  By looking to the spine for health, we are going directly to the source of how every cell, bone, and tissue gets its information.  So, if by getting adjusted can keep it working at its best, we ultimately we be more readily available to take on every day, include the new season of spring.

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