Now you Know about Chiropractic!

Don't Sizzle out

Posted: February 27, 2019
By: Dr. Jill Konosky

What happens when you plug ten appliances into one outlet and turn them all on at the same time?  You blow a circuit!  The same thing can happen when you surge an unprotected Nerve System with stress. This is why we use surge protectors with our valued electronics, so we don’t fry them.  Our body is much more important then a computer – we only get one and must make it last a lifetime!

Picture your Nerve System as an electrical outlet with multiple stressors plugged in.  Turn them all on at the same time and POW – you overload the system, fry a circuit and ruin your good state of health.  Chiropractors call this a subluxation. Depending on what nerves (or circuits) are blown, you could experience symptoms from minor aches and pains to more significant health problems like High Blood Pressure (Journal of Human Hypertension, 22,1: G Bakris, MD et al.) 

Although it's impossible to turn off all the stress in your life, you can guard against unexpected surges with regular Chiropractic Care.  Chiropractors perform their job like a surge protector – skillfully monitoring your Nerve System for overloads and adjusting the circuits back to normal when necessary.  When it comes to fighting stress, nothing beats keeping your power ON with Chiropractic!

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