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Webster Technique

Posted: November 14, 2012
By: Dr. Bryn Gillow & Dr. Greg Kul

One of our wonderful pregnant Mamas right after her adjustment! A couple of weeks ago they scheduled a C-section for her bc baby was not head down - a few hours after giving her a Webster technique adjustment the baby positioned herself perfectly for natural delivery! ♥

Here is the info about this:

A recent world wide study among 28 countries determined that 3-4% of all pregnancies result in breech presentation.  Up to 87% of those pregnancies end up being delivered via caesarian section.  Although caesarian section deliveries were determined to be safer than vaginal deliveries in a case of a breech presentation they do not come without severe maternal risks.  In a study of 2088 women with a singleton fetus, 3.6% undergoing caesarian section had reported severe morbidity including serious extension to transverse uterine incision, wound infection, systemic infection, postpartum fever, pneumonia and early post partum depression.  Due to increased maternal risks during and post partum, and increased costs associated with caesarian section, women are looking for alternative methods, including chiropractic, to eliminate the need for this high risk procedure.

How can a chiropractic adjustment help with a breach pregnancy? 

Webster’s technique has been used by chiropractors since the late 70’s to aid pregnant females in restoring proper pelvic function and in many cases allowing the fetus to return to a proper vertex position.  The technique consists of palpating the abdomen via the Leopold maneuver to determine the position of the fetus followed by a chiropractic sacrum adjustment and release of trigger points in the abdomen.

How effective is Webster’s technique?

 Studies show that the efficacy of Webster’s technique is between 82-92%.  This is extremely high compared to alternative methods and makes it vary popular among women with breech pregnancies who want a safer, drug-free method to having a natural birth.  Talk to us if you would like to know more about Webster’s technique and how it can have life changing results for you or a loved one. 

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