2mm for YOU
Tony Robbins' concept of growing 2mm every single day can be applied in many different aspects of life - but let’s focus on health here, since that is clearly our most valuable commodity.
We are all acutely aware how much health affects our life experience, especially now, aren’t we?!
No one can change the past, but we certainly can do our best in the present to create our most wanted outcome for the future. So what does this have to do with 2 millimeters? It doesn’t matter where your starting point is when it comes to our level of health and wellbeing. Just go from where you are and find something that makes your tomorrow just a tiny bit better than you were yesterday.
Just an extra glass of water that you drink today to hydrate your cells. Or a 5 minute walk outside that gives you more fresh air and large muscle movement. Or giving yourself 15 minutes more sleep to recover from a stressful day instead of watching TV. Or spending just 2 minutes breathing deeply and consciously to bring more oxygen to your brain and body. Or adding a few more greens to your meal to nourish your body with stronger building blocks. Or eating a smaller piece of cake to help your immune system not get so bogged down from sugar.
The choices are endless! And they are SMALL things. Things that are easy to do and easy to incorporate, no matter how little time or money you have. A tiny step forward - only 2mm a day! - will have a HUGE impact in the long run for you and your health!
No one will ever care about YOUR health as much as you do. No one can get you to a healthier future but you. And we all know that our health is our wealth!
So, what will you pick today to make your tomorrow just a tiny bit healthier?